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2015年06月21日 04:20
cite1:By CH’ ENG-CHAO LIU:1947《COPEIA》1947 NO.2 June30 125—126;
  • 物种名


  • 拉丁名

    Oreolalax popei

  • 脊索动物门 Chordata

  • 两栖纲 Amphibia

  • 角蟾科 Megophryidae

  • 资源编码


  • 描述

    Scutiger popei, sp. nov. TYPE.—No. 227, Liu C illection; adult male, Lungtung, Pao-hsing(Mupin), Sikang; altitude 3400 feet; August 19, 1939; collected by H. W. Chang. DIAGNOSIS. —A distinct Scutiger apparently related to S. sikkimensis, but with the choanae very large; tongue large and deeply nicked behind; tibio- tarsal articulation reaching beyond the eye; toes with rudimentary webs;round black warts more or less regularly scattered on the back, with. broen lines radiaring out from each wart and forming a net-work on the back; very well developed black bars on the limbs, on the two outer fingers and three toes; black spines on the first and second second fingers; chest glands elongated, widely separated from each other and strongly divergent posteriorly. DESCRIPTION OF TYPE.—Body moderately slender; head somewhat somewhat de-pressed; as long as broad; tongue broad, and deeply nicked; novomerine teeth; choanae very large; snout rounded, slightly projecting be-yond the mouth, and much longer than the length of the eye; canthus rostra-lis obtuse; loreal region very oblique, concave; nostrils nearer to the of the snout than to the anterior corner of the eye; interorbital space greater than internasal, and broader than the upper eyelid; tympanum hidden. Arm strong, fingers slender and long, first and second about equal in length, but shorter and thicker than the third and fourth, the longest; nuptial spines number 11 on first and 8 on the second finger of the left hand, and respectively 10 to 5 on the right hand; tips of fingers rounded and lighter in color tubercles present; thickened skin between the subarticular tubercles, especially the two outer fingers; palmer tubercles large and prominent, a large inner one at the base of the first finger and a much smaller one opposite the base of the third. Hind limb slender and long, the tibio-tarsal articulation reaching beyond the eye; length of tibia 48.8 per cent of the body length; foot 49.2 per cent of the body length; toe slightly fringed with fudimentary webs. subarticular tubercles better debeloped than on the fingers, thickened rodges found between the subarticular tubercles; inner metatarsal tubercle oval, with a free edge; no outer metatarsal tubercle. Skin rough; small warts on the top and sides of the head,especially posterior to the angle of angle of the mouth, and on the dorsal sides of the limbs; larger round warts more or less regularly scattered on the back and the sides of the body; fine warts on inner anterior side of the arm, with a definite warty arwa on antero-ventral region at the base of the arm; two well developed chest glands, covered with fine spines, located on the thorax; the length of this gland is about 8 mm. and the beradth 4 mm.; founded axillary glands make contact with the posterio-lateral corners of the chest glands at the arm pit on each side; a large flattened gland, light at center and dark colored at periphery, on the mid-posterior aspect of each thegh; skin smooth on throat, belly and ventral sides of the legs.



