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Rana livida
脊索动物门 Chordata
两栖纲 Amphibia
蛙科 Ranidae
体背面纯绿色,有背侧褶,雌蛙成体明显大于雄蛙,雄蛙咽侧有外声囊1对。 维基百科 Large odorous frog, Odorrana graminea, is a species of frog in the Ranidae family. It is found in southern China (from southern Anhui and northern Zhejiang west to extreme southern Gansu, southeastern Sichuan, and southern Yunnan to the border of Vietnam, Laos and Myanmar, although it has not yet been recorded in the latter two countries. Its type locality is the Wuzhi Mountain in Hainan.[3] Until the revision of "Rana livida" in 2003,[4] this frog was considered a synonym of Odorrana livida.[3] The species occurs near fast-flowing rivers and streams in montane (sub-)tropical forests.[1]
上一篇:黑斑蛙 Rana nigrimaculata
下一篇:日本林蛙 Rana japonica