描述Cephalic femora slightly compressed and distinctly curved in a Phasmoid manner; dorsal surface convex, but with its internal margin weakly ridged, except in the more slender proximal portion. Cephalic coxae unarmed. Foramina of cephalic tibiae flattened conchate. Tegmina with median vein branching at end of proximal third, this branch sending three branches to the sutural margin distad. Pronotal disk with surface weakly convex to flattened caudal portion, lateral margins very broadly and evenly concave, the least width of disk meso-cephalad; lateral lobes slightly longer than greatest (caudal) depth, ventral margin weakly concave in cephalic half, weakly convex in caudal half, these portions forming a very weak rounded angulation at their juncture. Tegmina and wings fully developed, the former with greatest width decidedly greater than pronotal length, narrowing very slightly and evenly to the broadly rounded apex. Femora with genicular lobes bispinose. Caudal femora with dorsal surface deplanate in proximal three-quarters. Ventral femoral margins armed with minute but rather broad spines, as follows. Cephalic internal 11 and 12, cephalic external 6, median internal 0, median external 15, caudal internal 0 and 1, caudal external 12 and 15. Supra-anal plate elongate shield-shaped, with apex narrowly acute-angulate. Cerci cylindrical, curved and gradually tapering to near apex, where they are brifly enlarged, the external margins showing weak emargination at base of this enlargement, the apical enlarged portion with a low, longitudinal ridge extending to the apex, which there projects as a short, stout tooth. Subgenital plate elongate and slenderly produced, cleft for slightly over half its length, the two distal portions thus formed slender, parallel, curving very weakly dorsad, of nearly equal width in distal portions to their rounded apices.