
普砾青步甲 Chlaenius propeagilis


  • 物种名


  • 拉丁名

    Chlaenius propeagilis

  • 节肢动物门 Arthropoda

  • 昆虫纲 Insecta

  • 鞘翅目 Coleoptera

  • 步甲科 Carabidae

  • 资源编码


  • 描述

    Total length = 15.50-17.00 mm (mean = 15.71), width = 5.60-6.13 mm (mean = 5.81); HW = 2.75-2.95 mm (mean = 2.82), EYL = 1.00-1.15 mm (mean = 1.09), ratio Ant3/Ant1 = 1.73-1.93 (mean = 1.81), PL/PW = 0.78-0.85 (mean = 0.83), EL/EW = 1.62-1.79 (mean = 1.73), EL/ PL = 1.29-1.45 (mean = 1.36). Head and pronotum black with green or coppery metallic luster; elytra black; ventral surface black, with some slight metallic reflection; coxae almost black; mandibles dark brown; antennomeres 4-11, palpomere, trochanters, tibiae at both ends, and tarsomeres reddish or brown; antennomeres 1-3, femora and middle portions of tibiae yellow or yellowish-brown. Head rugose near eyes and occiput, vertex sparsely rugose; eyes prominent; antennomere 1 elongate-ovoid; labrum concave at apex, with distinct microsculpture; mentum tooth emarginate apically. Pronotum cordate, moderately convex; lateral margins bordered; disk almost smooth, sparsely rugose and setose near base and lateral margins; basal foveae moderately deep. Elytra widest at mid-length; humeral angle obtuse; striae deep, punctate; intervals moderately convex, intervals 1-5 almost glabrous medially, with a row of pubescence laterally, intervals more evenly pubescent near apex; intervals 6-9 pubescent throughout and with intervals 7-9 more densely pubescent than 6. Abdominal sterna bordered, densely pubescent laterally; sterna IV-VI sparsely pubescent medially; sternum VII rugose-pubescent, with apex narrowly rounded or subobtuse in males, more broadly rounded in female. Apical lamella of aedeagus moderately triangular, thick and bent ventrally.

平台号 馆名 标本号 资源编码
2111C0002601111926 中国科学院动物研究所标本馆 1523264 21131567109
2111C0002601111925 中国科学院动物研究所标本馆 1523263 21131567109
2111C0002601111924 中国科学院动物研究所标本馆 1523262 21131567109
2111C0002601111923 中国科学院动物研究所标本馆 1523261 21131567109
2111C0002601111922 中国科学院动物研究所标本馆 1523260 21131567109
2111C0002601111921 中国科学院动物研究所标本馆 1523259 21131567109
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