描述Vibrissxphora boringii, sp. nov.
Type: No. 237, fenale collected on ground back of Ta-nge-sze(大峨寺), Mont-Omei, 3590 feet altitude, August 21, 1938, by P. L. Luh(陆宝麟).
Diagnosis: Head as ling as vroad, snout broad, rounded, and very much depressed, eith seven upper labial spots on right side and six on the other; loreal region oblique and slightly concave, sharply edged from anterior boarder of upper eye-lid to nostril,nostril mid-way between tip of snout and anterior border of eye; internasal space about two-thirds of interorbital soace; orgit broader than eye-lid, and about the same diamster as interorbital space; pupil vertical, changeable in shape, lower hlf of exposed eyeball dark cinnamon brown, and upper half bluish green; a narrow sharp glandular ridge from poeterior corner of eye to shoulder; tympanum hidden; no vomerine teeth; tongue beoad and large,free posteriorly and notched; maxillaey teeth moderately developed, Skin on the back with small granules whice form a net- work-like texture. Fote-limb slender and long, more than hall of the body length; hind limb short,slightly longer than the body; digital tops creamy buff in color; tibio tarsal articularion barely reaching the anfle of the mouth; heels whsn placed at right angles to the bosy widely separated, tibia shortm webs poorly developed; lnner metatarsal tubercle moderately long, large oval cream-colored giand in each axilla; a narrow vertical glandular area in each groin, and a less comspicuous oval or rounded one at posterior middke part of each femur, A cartilaginous episternum, and xiphisternum; sternum with a bony style, clavicle partly cartfly cartilagenous, sacral diapophyses greatly dilated, and with wide marginal cartilage.