描述(male holotype, except where indicated). Measurements (in mm): Standard length: 1.82. Rostrum: length: 0.71, maximum width: 0.17. Pronotum: median length: 0.49, maximum width: 0.59. Elytra: median length: 1.38, maximum width: 1.08.
With the general characters of genus Pseudaspidapion as described in Wanat (1990).
Integument. Generally piceous black.
Vestiture composed of thick, longer white piliform scales with truncate apex and thin, shorter brownish to greyish acute hairs; scales present on coxae, femora and tibiae, sides of pronotum, meso- and metaventrite, mesoventral process, base of 3rd elytral interstria, metarostrum, and weak subocular patch, sometimes intermediate types present.Antennal scape apex and pedicel with sparse short greyish hairs, club and desmomeres 2-7 covered with dark hairs only. Pronotal vestiture centrifugal, scales both on apex and base perpendicular to the margins, hairs on disc distinctly longer than those on elytra, reaching middle of preceding hair. Elytral vestiture white at base and sides, brownish on disc, interstrial scales large, longer than 2/3 of the interstrial width, in two rather regular rows per interstria, one specialized seta on apical region of 9th interstria.
Rostrum cylindrical and moderately robust, in dorsal view 4.18× as long as maximum width, 1.45× as long as pronotum in midline, widest at mesorostrum, pro- and metarostrum with sides almost parallel, metarostrum with two very fine, punctulate dorsal submedial sulci shortened at mesorostral level, and two weak dorsal sublateral sulci, dorsal submedial sulci prolonged on frons, separated, dorsal sublateral sulci prolonged close to ocular margins, metarostrum microreticulate, matt, pro- and mesorostrum smooth, shining, sparsely punctulate; in lateral view weakly and evenly curved, ventral margin forming a weak angle at mesorostrum, each side with a very thin low dorsal sublateral keel running from front margin of eye to upper margin of scrobe and beyond, limiting ventrally the dorsal sublateral sulcus, prorostrum with a marked ventral sublateral sulcus under this keel.
Head transverse, frons weakly convex with four rows of relatively deep punctures running from metarostrum and hardly surpassing hind margin of eyes, occiput almost reaching hind eye level, subocular keel reaching middle of eyes, the area between subocular
keels microreticulate and impunctate, with a low, fine median keel. Eyes round, moderately convex.
Antennae inserted at basal 0.26 of rostral length, scape 5.00× as long as wide, as long as club, 1.18× as long as mesorostral width. Pedicel 2.14× as long as wide, as long as desmomeres 2+3, desmomere 2 1.67×as long as wide, desmomeres 3-5 1.33× as long as wide, desmomere 6 1.14× as long as wide, desmomere 7 1.25× as long as wide, shortly obconical. Club oblong, compact, 2.5× as long as wide, as long as the last 5.5 desmomeres, sutures well marked.
Pronotum campaniform, transverse, 0.83× as long as wide, widest just behind middle, constrictions weak, sides weakly dilated at middle, base 1.31× as wide as apex, bisinuate with moderate medial rounded projection towards scutellum, basal flange moderately developed. Prescutellar fovea shallow, as broad as one puncture's diameter, as long as 2-3 diameters, prolonged in a very fine sulcus reaching middle of pronotum. Discal punctures relatively deep, ca. 0.5-1× diameter apart, interspaces slightly convex, microreticulate.
Scutellum large, elongated, triangular, 1.63× as long as wide, with two basal tubercles separated by a weak median depression, in lateral view subacutely prominent, in front view tubercles fused basally; apex constricted and moderately raised, distinctly visible in lateral view.
Elytra 1.23× as long as wide, 2.82× as long as pronotum, widest almost at the middle, humeri distinct; striae deep, about as wide as interstriae at base and apex, about half as wide at elytral disc, distinctly catenulate-punctate, punctures round to oblong, space between punctures about 2.00× as long as puncture length, striae apically connected 1+2+9, 3+4, 5+6, 7+8. Interstriae evidently convex with small punctures, surface distinctly wrinkled, not microreticulate, shining. Macropterous.
Ventral areas. Mesocoxae and metacoxae narrowly separated by a distance of 0.26×and 0.38× of their transverse diameter, respectively. Metaventrite ca. as long as mesocoxae. Mesoventral process more prominent than metaventral process. Anterior metaventral rim present, weak. Abdominal ventrites microreticulate, with length ratios along midline: 31-17-6-7-16. Ventrites 1-2 coarsely and densely punctate, 3-4 and base of 5 very sparsely and minutely punctate, apical half of 5 densely punctate with a median convexity. Suture I distinct, distance from hind margin of metacoxae, as long as ventrite 2. Ventrite 5 subsemicircular, transverse, 0.41× as long as wide.
Pygidium (from paratype) semicircular, 0.69× as long as wide, apical edge of arc with a flat and glabrous side, punctate medially with interspace microreticulate.
Legs. Metafemora a little more robust than pro- and mesofemora, profemur 2.15×as long as wide, widest at middle, minutely punctate. Protibia almost straight, 6.50× as long as wide. Protarsomere 1 2.29× as long as wide, tarsomere 2 1.22× as long as wide, arsomere 3 bilobed, 0.8× as long as wide, lobes narrow, not much dilated outwards, onychium 3.25× as long as wide, projecting from lobes of tarsomere 3 for 0.54×its length. Meso- and metatibiae similarly mucronate, mucro subconical, about 0.50× as long as tibial apical width. Tarsal claws with conspicuous obtuse basal tooth.
Genitalia and terminalia (from topotypic paratypes). Ninth sternite (spiculum gastrale) Y-shaped and slightly winged near arm base, manubrium ca. 2.00× as long as arms. Penis depressed, moderately curved, pedon with apical plate straight in side view, truncate and slightly constricted apicad in side view; temones about 0.50× as long as pedon; endophallus without large structures. Tegminal plate articulated with free ring, laterally developed, enveloping, with parameroid lobes not notched apically, membranous area rhombic in general outline, microsetose apically, reaching middle of parameroid lobes, basal sclerotized area large, each side with 5 short macrochaetae, 2 latero-apical and 3 latero-medial, several sensilla distributed on middle part and posterior margin; fenestrae short, tranverse, narrowly separated; linea arquata visible; prostegium bidentate, apex of projection rounded; median unsclerotized strip moderately elongate,reaching hind margin of fenestrae; manubrium with apex not broadened.