描述Description: - Form typical for the new subgenus. Face broad and deep; eyes circular and subglobular. Pronotum somewhat subsellate when viewed in profile; lateral lobes with a tumid area on the posterior margin immediately above the large oval opening of the prothoracic spiracle. Tegmina minute, subcircular pads with the inner margins slightly overlapping, and the two median veins in the black area cristately raised. Leg spination as follows: all femora unarmed; fore and meso tibiae with 6 pairs of ventral spines, the apical pair not plainly visible. Caudal tibiae with 24 to 26 external and 22 to 24 alternately large and small teeth with 6 external and 4 internal small teeth in the apical portions of the ventral side. Caudal femora with the lower angles of the genicular areas armed with a stout tooth internally and externally.
Coloration: -eves castaneous, body coloration, probably green in life with all the legs pale pinkish red, the genicular areas of the caudal femora and the extreme base of the caudal tibiae black. Dorsum of fastigium and central portions of the vertex and occiput black. Dorsolateral areas of the pronotum black with the intervening dorsal areas blackish. Dorso-lateral band on the abdomen weak with inward projecting spurs of black along the basal portion of each abdominal segment.